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- A year of intentional steps
A year of intentional steps
How a game-changing method can help you achieve your 2025 goals
“I have big goals for 2025, but I feel so overwhelmed. How do I tackle them?”
Goals are important, but how we approach them also matters.
Happy 2025, friend!
Let’s talk about you for a sec.
You’re a person who cares about growth.
You’re a person who cares about achievement.
You’re a person who cares about being the best version of yourself.
I know that because you’re here, reading this newsletter. And so I want to get right into what I think could be a game-changer for you and your goals this year. I call it the 1-4-3-1 Method.
Step One
I want you to take a piece of paper out, or open a new note on your computer or your phone, and write down one goal you have for this year. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
That’s “1.” One goal for 2025. It could be “write a book.” (That was my goal one year.) Maybe it’s “run a marathon” or “learn how to play Blackbird by the Beatles on guitar.” The goal that feels big and scary is the right one to be focusing on for this exercise.
I know it can seem pretty daunting. How do I go from not having a single word on page to writing an entire book by the end of the year?
Step Two
Underneath that goal, I want you to create four bullet points, one for each quarter of the year. That’s “4.” You break the year into four parts. For each quarter of the year, create a sub-goal. So, for example, it could look like this:
Write a book
Perform research and learn.
Write an outline and flesh it out.
Make the first draft.
Revise and edit.
Or it could look like this:
Run a marathon
Learn about what it takes to run a marathon, and sign up for one.
Get the necessary equipment, and start jogging.
Commit to a training regimen.
Train, and run that thing!
Do you see how these four sub-goals are suddenly a little more approachable?
It may take a little bit of time to get these just right.

Big goals start with small, consistent steps.
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Step Three
Now, underneath each quarterly goal, make a bullet point for each month in that quarter. That’s “3.” Three months for each quarter. And – I bet you know what’s coming next – write an even more specific sub-goal for that month.
Write a book
Perform research, and learn
January: Read five books on the topic.
February: Meet with three experts who can help you.
March: Take a writing class.
Again, yours are going to look different – because they’re yours. Whatever helps you is the right way.
When you’re done making your list, I want you to hang it up near your desk, or wherever you work. And at the start of every week this year, look at the document and ask: what am I going to do this one week to get to my goal? That’s the final “1.”
This week, I’m going to read one book.
This week, I’m going to find a running club.
This week, I’m going to learn three chords.
By doing this exercise, you can see the little, achievable steps you can take to make even your most ambitious dreams come true. You may also find that your goal can’t be achieved in one year, and that’s okay. Not everything takes a year. Sometimes we have goals that are even bigger. But you know my advice is going to be the same: break that goal down into smaller pieces.
Because as Laozi famously wrote in the Tao Te Ching, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
I’m rooting for you.

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author
Host of the On Purpose Podcast
Creator of the Jay Shetty Certification School
Challenge for the Week
Last week I asked you to send me your biggest takeaways from your 2024 reflections. Your replies were some of the most moving and profound responses I’ve received in quite some time.
A lot of you see joy and peace, despite major struggles. New relationships are blossoming as the pain of economic hardship can be felt everywhere. Toxic people in our life get in our way, but inner peace and gratitude help us rise above.
Reader Rose overcame some difficulties in the workplace through acceptance. “I learned to maintain inner balance in order to bounce back from adversity, and with consistency, your soul learns to recalibrate itself when knocked off balance. Acceptance was the key in this. It is what it is and adaptability to change with balance is the key to forward momentum.”
Reader Daniel reminded me that people aren’t the only ones who make us happy and help us get through hard times. “My cat is my best friend!!! She was a year old and homeless when she found my doorstep and she adopted me. We needed each other. She was climbing all over her new cat tree while I was assembling it. She sleeps on the highest level of it, in order to watch over me as I sleep … My cat makes everything easier to deal with. People have said that not all heroes wear capes, or not all angels have wings, well mine has four legs and paws and meows.”
And reader Amy demonstrated a beautiful way to work through the grief of such a helpful four-legged friend — by paying for something you wouldn’t expect. “My tattoo. I researched FOREVER to find just the right artist. It's for my dog — I didn't want his face or his paw, so I got his favorite toy — a T.Rex that he had torn the arms off (he had 3) surrounded by nature. I get so many comments and it allows me to tell the world his unique story. I treasure it daily and can't wait to add more.”
Also, I do want to quickly shout out reader Nicole, who was so inspired by one of my episodes of The Daily Jay on Calm that she signed up for her first college class in 20 years. Way to go, Nicole!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your responses. They are beautiful and moving, and encourage me to continue spreading my message each and every day.
My challenge for you this week is to take the time to really break down your big goals into small steps. And I want you to reply to this email with the first small step you’re taking to accomplish that goal this week. What is the one small thing you’re doing that is going to help you reach your destination?
Which daily practice has the biggest impact on your mindset? |