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  • 🎙️Stephan Speaks: 'It takes a village to have successful marriages and relationships'

🎙️Stephan Speaks: 'It takes a village to have successful marriages and relationships'

Plus: Seven things you can do right now to be more confident

🎙️Now on ‘On Purpose’

On yesterday’s episode of the podcast, I welcome back one of the most insightful voices in modern dating, Stephan Speaks, whose last visit to the podcast is my most-watched YouTube video of the last 12 months. Stephan and I jump into a lively conversation about the biggest struggles in today’s dating world and how sensationalized online narratives negatively distort our perceptions of both men and women. 

Stephan emphasizes three important things each of us needs to do before finding a partner: accepting the differences between genders rather than resisting them, knowing and loving yourself before entering into a relationship and healing old wounds before you let them affect your new connections. Regular podcast listeners will notice familiar themes of awareness, acceptance and healing.

Later in the conversation, we discuss communication strategies for when your partner has walls up and how to break the cycle of getting into failed relationships. This episode is essential if you’re searching for love, struggling to maintain your self-worth and scared of attracting the wrong partner. The right relationship isn’t something you chase—it’s something you attract by being the best version of yourself that you can be.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

🎙️7 Ways to Train Your Brain to Go From Insecurity to Confidence

Do you struggle with insecurity? Does self-doubt get in the way of your success? Does your fear of being judged by others prevent you from taking action?

In last Friday’s episode of the podcast, I discuss how you can grow out of insecurity and build confidence that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Our brains are wired for survival, and many of our insecurities stem from our brain’s natural instinct to protect ourselves from outside threats. Fear of failure, negative self-talk and a scarcity mindset may be helpful in a survival setting, but in our modern lives, they’re holding us back.

I offer seven powerful strategies to retrain your brain to point towards confidence. You’ll learn science-backed techniques and practical shifts you can make to your mindset. The goal is not to be perfect. It’s to trust that you’re enough, exactly the way you are.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

📺 Now on YouTube

Will I ever find love? Will I ever be enough?

Behind these questions is a deep fear of being alone. But what if being alone wasn’t scary? What if, instead, it was a powerful habit we could cultivate? In this video, I show how you can shift from fearing loneliness to embracing solitude through three experiments you can try over the next 30 days.